BEST Standard

The Better Environmental Sustainability Targets (BEST) certification standard provides recognition for lead battery manufacturers that meet minimum emission standards and agree to take back used batteries for environmentally sound recycling. The objective is to reduce emissions from lead battery manufacturers and recyclers, and to prevent lead poisoning through an incentive program for these companies.

The BEST Standard 1001 is a comprehensive environmental program for lead battery plants. The BEST Standard covers lead emissions, occupational exposures, and a broad range of environmental performance criteria. Participating facilities are subject to annual audits against this performance standard to ensure independent verification.

Auditors, who are trained and accredited to provide on-site inspections, conduct independent evaluations on an annual basis. Companies that demonstrate compliance with the BEST Standard1001 are eligible to place an eco-label on their products after entering into a license agreement. Program costs will be borne by the participating companies with charges assessed according to production volume.

The BEST Standard can be downloaded here:

The document outlines a comprehensive set of voluntary environmental certification criteria for lead battery manufacturing facilities with specific criteria for the following:

  • Environmental Lead Emissions;
  • Occupational Lead Emissions;
  • Waste Disposal;
  • Energy & Water Consumption;
  • Emergency Response;
  • Chemical Storage and Handling; and
  • Take Back Provisions For Used Batteries.

BEST Standard Setting Process

The Better Environmental Sustainability Targets (BEST) Standard for lead battery manufacturers was developed in an open and transparent forum with participation from industry, government, NGOs, and other subject matter experts. Along with our Indian partners, Development Alternatives and the National Referral Centre for Lead Poisoning in India, we held a series of multi-stakeholder meetings to review and edit the initial draft of the BEST Standard. The process involved input from over 25 participants representing divergent interests and industries. The stakeholders worked in a collective atmosphere in five regular meetings held in 2006-2007.

Participants in the multi-stakeholder process held in 2006-2007 to develop the Better Environmental Sustainability Targets (BEST) Standard